“Life comes at you hard, and I like to be prepared for it.” —Bob C.
Bob enjoys all sorts of things—everything from music to arts to golf. “You name it, I do it. So life’s good,” Bob says. Professionally, Bob has been a contractor for 30 years and he has taken Balance of Nature supplements for about five years.
People see Bob as being “a rocker dude,” something he has strived to be his entire life. Bob says that a good day for him is being surrounded by family and friends, playing music, and just having a good time.
Forming a Band, Playing Music
Bob says he has always loved music from the time when he was little, so he has always wanted to be “the rock ‘n’ roll guy.” Forming a band was his childhood dream.
“What I’ve set up here at the house is exactly what I’ve wanted since I was 18, 19 years old. I’ve always wanted a studio. I’ve always wanted to be able to just sit and play music and have fun.”
The band practices in his barn, and a practice usually starts out with them catching up before getting ready to play.
“So we come in, we enjoy, you know, everybody has some sort of story to say what happened that week. You know, we’re all guys, or a bunch of old guys, so we’re complaining about something: a bad knee, or a bad elbow, or something. So that’s what we do. So I guess it starts with tuning . . . and then, we just have fun with it and we go right into a jam.”
Bob says for old guys, they don’t mess around. They will practice for an hour and a half without breaks. “By the end of the practice session, you’re a hot, sweaty mess, and you feel good and you want to go for longer,” he says. “But everybody’s gotta get up at 5:30 in the morning and go to work the next day.”
Bob shares, “The whole reason we do this at our age is just to enjoy it. You’re never going to open for any big act. We’re never going to play in front of 30,000 people. We play in front of our wives and our daughters and whatever friends they bring along . . . and we just have a blast doing it.”
Bob Stays Fit for His Physically Demanding Job
Apart from rocking out, Bob works as a contractor. Working in construction is physically demanding and can be difficult, he shares.
“Well, being a 55-year-old construction guy is a chore in and of itself; it’s difficult,” he says. “You’re on ladders. We do a lot of demolition-type work, so we’re ripping out drywall. We’re, you know, ripping out doors and big, heavy things. So you’ve got to stay fit. You know, it’s a tough job. So you got to be prepared for it, and being prepared for it means being physically fit. And so I do my best to stay as physically fit as I possibly can.”
Bob’s crew is made up of guys who have worked with him for over 20 years, including younger guys.
“So the young guys, you know, you try to set that example, so you work harder . . . just to show them that, you know, old guys still got it,” Bob explains. “And they like that challenge. When they see an older guy like myself, doing what it is that they’re doing, you know, the vibe kicks up. They work harder; more production gets done. And we have a family-oriented business where we all have each other’s backs. If somebody isn’t having a great day, one guy picks them up. You tell a joke, you do whatever. You go above and beyond to bring that person up and, you know, by lunchtime, we’re all having fun laughing, joking, throwing drywall up at each other, and things of that nature.”
Bob Strives to Take Care of Himself
Bob says his diet is something that he takes very seriously. “You really gotta watch what you eat,” he says. “I eat a lot of greens. No more fast food, you know? That’s the thing of the past. So, nutrition and food in and of itself is a big thing for me.”
He adds, “You know, eating right, exercising, just being outdoors—I think outdoors is the biggest thing for me. These barn doors are never closed. It’s always open, even in the wintertime. I’ll get a big fire going, and we’re out here. That’s what I enjoy.”
His Life Is Never Boring!
Bob says he makes sure his life is never boring.
“There’s always something to do, whether we’re back at the pond fishing, whether we’re playing rock ‘n’ roll music, whether we’re gardening, whether running the tractor and moving dirt. There’s always something to do around here, and then work keeps me busy too.”
Bob adds, “I think just being outside, absorbing the sun, just breathing the fresh air, talking to the trees. You know, planting tomatoes, planting peppers, and then eating that food out of your garden. I mean, this is as holistic of medicine as it gets. I mean, God put all this stuff here for a reason, and if you don’t use it, then you’re not, in my opinion, you’re not living a successful life. We go pick an apple off the tree and eat it. That's breakfast. A lot of times, for me, I’ll go eat a couple of apples off the tree. They’re fantastic.”
Bob says he likes the combination of eating better and drinking a lot of water.
“You eat better foods and your body will respond in a much more positive way, and especially as you get older. I’m ready to tackle the world, always, every day.”
A Match Made In Heaven
Bob says he likes to center his life around balance and being in nature, so Balance of Nature supplements are a match made in heaven.
“Balance of Nature supplements . . . I’ve told every single person—especially my age—about this product because it is fantastic. I mean, I don’t know how else to say it. It’s just fantastic,” Bob shares.
His goal every day is to make everyone smile that he comes in contact with.
“What I try to impress upon these young people . . . when you leave a room, if everyone in that room that you had contact with feels better about themselves after you leave the room, you did your job, and that’s what life should be about for everybody,” he shares. “Do unto others as you’d have done unto you. It’s no more difficult than that.”
He continues, “At 55 years old, I’ve got to be prepared to tackle a day because my goal is to make everyone smile.”
“I’ve been married for over 25 years. I’ve got a 21-year-old daughter. It’s been perfect in every way, and we do as many fun things out here on the farm as we possibly can. We take the dog back and go fishing. I am living the dream. I’m absolutely living the dream.”
If getting more fruit and vegetable ingredients is important to you like Bob, try Balance of Nature supplements. Visit our home page, BalanceofNature.com, to learn more!